Why I launched this project
After running $40k+ in Facebook ads for my company (Carrot) and my personal blogs I thought I would try and put together a course for real estate investors.
I truly believe the best way to learn something is to teach it. In addition to transferring my knowledge, I wanted to practice more with custom post types in WordPress and see if I could build a course with code vs using a plugin or hosted solution.
I also wanted to challenge my comfort level of being on video and being seen as an “expert”.
Highlights 👍
- Successfully launched a course
- Made two versions using custom post types and think they turned out pretty awesome
- Actually had 5-6 people sign up for the course and comment on the effectiveness
Lowlights 👎
I had plans to include more examples and data in the course but that didn’t happen. Part of the reason was sharing data in the real estate investor niche can be tricky and you need to be tactful.
Going Forward
I am not actively promoting this course because I feel it could be a lot better. Facebook marketing is a beast and always changing. If I don’t plan on keeping this course updated I would feel bad charging money for it.
Biggest Insights
I learned that creating a course without scripts is a bad idea. I would film a video, edit it, render it, and then watch it and wish I had said things differently or added more context. If I were to film another course in the future I would slow down and write out every single script before I started recording myself.
On the code side of things, I really enjoyed using ACF fields and a custom post type to give me the functionality I wanted to create modules. I can easily drop headlines, YouTube URLs, and descriptions into a simple UI and everything is handled on the front end for me.
Overall, I learned a ton during this project and will be making more course in the future.