Developing The Leader Within You

By: John C. Maxwell

Developing The Leader Within You Book Cover

This book was suggested to me by a CEO who read it and said he learned a lot from it.

The style of this book is slightly different than other books on my list. It is slightly like a workbook where it asks you questions and expects you to fill in the blank.

The chapters cover things like setting priorities, people, attitude, and a bunch of other important management topics.

I appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into writing this book with both anecdotal stories, studies, and calls to action.

However, I felt the stories, although nice, left me wanting more.

I wanted something more to sink my teeth into. Perhaps more strategies and tactics with data behind them.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is struggling to find their leadership identity or wants to think critically about where they are at on their leadership journey.

Biggest Insights

The 5 levels of leadership example was interesting and something I hadn’t thought of in quantifiable terms. I believe most leaders are 3’s and very few make it to level 5.

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